Saturday, January 23, 2010


Those unwieldy giant parade balloons.


gatheringwonder said...

ha - great take on the prompt...those things are indeed clumsy

Larry Lee said...

Love the style here. Good to see you are still here on Illustration Friday.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Oh Ellen she is a cutie Patootie! I love Hello Kitty! This is sooooo wonderfully illustrated. Great work.

EWian said...

Sweet kitty, I have never seen one of those in real life, but I do believe them to be clumsy :)


justdoodleit said...

Hilarious! Those parade day balloons are lot of fun despite being clumsy.

roberta baird said...

This is a clever twist! Fantastic work!

k.h.whitaker said...

very nice take on the prompt, too cute and so true

Nancy Grönholm said...

I can only imagine their clumsiness but I do imagine them so ;) Very cuuute!

fashion fucsia said...

Nice style! I like this big balloon!

Susan said...

Oh, I love this, beautifully done and so true!

° said...

Turkey anyone? this is great and i agree they do look so clumsy hanging around up there

thedoodlegirl said...

bwahahaaa! Love that word "unwieldy!" This is awesome! What a fun idea!

valerie walsh said...

oh my gosh!!! This is insanely great! totally love hello kitty and this is just beautiful, you amaze and delight :D

Nina Seven N7 said...

great idea for clumsy, ellen! thanks for your comment!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey talented lady, I just wanted to come by and say thanks for leaving such a wonderful message. I sooooo appreciate it!

studio lolo said...

you could never put me in charge of one of those! It would sail away for sure ;)

Hey, I just saw the news about that crazy guy in Maryland that was stealing shoes from fraternities for years!! It takes all kinds :)

studio lolo said...

you could never put me in charge of one of those! It would sail away for sure ;)

Hey, I just saw the news about that crazy guy in Maryland that was stealing shoes from fraternities for years!! It takes all kinds :)

Bella Sinclair said...

HA! Definitely clumsy. And dangerous! Who knew Hello Kitty could be so lethal. Great, great illo!

isay said...

It has always been my wish to have a bigger than me Hello Kitty stuffed toy and i don't like to see them as balloons on a parade. Yes it is clumsy. great take of the topic and your illustration is so cool and the red color-they're so lovely.