Monday, February 18, 2008

My theory is that the Eiffel Tower was built with recycled tuna fish cans.


elizabeth said...

ooh, wouldn't that be cool??

Honor said...

You might be onto something! ;-)

jane dávila said...

Sounds fishy to me. Nice illo.

Anonymous said...

that would be the 'greenest' piece of architecture ever! wonderful illustration!

a : )

studio lolo said...

What whimsy! I like this one a lot!

Thanks for your comment on my little gorilla. One of the bloggers was so moved she adopted a baby gorilla for me, herself, and another blogger friend.Pretty sweet.
And my hat post is one of my all time faves too ;)Thanks!

soulbrush said...

interesting theory, i always thought it was made out of millions of toothpicks...

valerie walsh said...

haha i can buy that! great and whimsical idea and I love how you put it all together!

margot said...

hahahah, that's really hysterical!
and nice illo!